For snow lovers, it will be a sad January 2023 in Charlotte, NC. with no snow so far and none to come. After today’s low of 45 degrees Fahrenheit it appears that the low temperatures for Charlotte over the next two weeks will be 48 degrees Fahrenheit. Sorry kids, school snow days are a no go this year and maybe for all of 2023. The good news for shops, restaurants, malls, and boutiques it will be business as usual.

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Cold Hard Fact: On this day in 1977 the temperature in Charlotte, NC hit a low of 5°F!

That’s right, the coldest day ever for Charlotte, NC on this the 17th day of January was in the year 1977 with temperatures that fell down to 5°F. Fact Check: Want to know the coldest day ever in Charlotte, NC? Well if you are hater of love, relationships, candy hearts, and heart shaped boxes of chocolate, then you will revel in the fact that Valentine’s Day holds the record for the coldest day ever for the Queen City!